
Your photos & videos by Antipodes !

Videos access

Bungee jumping

How do I get my videos ?

To watch a video, click twice on the corresponding file, in the drive which link is provided below. To download your videos, you need to log into your google account. Then, on computer, you just have to click right on the file, and choose download. On phone or tablet, press the 3 dots at the top right and choose download. The mp4 file will then be downloaded to your computer/phone/tablet.

Be careful, remember to download your videos, they will only be available for two weeks!

Don't forget that there are two videos: one on-board camera, and one in a fixed shot on deck!

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

See you soon for new sensations!

Access the Drive

Accès Photos

Comment récupérer vos photos ?

Chercher votre activité et la date à laquelle vous l'avez faite, vous pourrez ensuite visualiser et/ou télécharger vos photos !

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05 65 60 72 03
During the season

Base Arbres & Cimes
403, avenue de Millau Plage
12100 MILLAU

Out of season

Antipodes Siège social
173 bis, avenue de Calès
12100 MILLAU